Overview of our current projects!


Upcycling for a sustainable future!

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In order to create a recyclable building material, we use straw-like secondary raw materials from agriculture which are processed with a fungus to create an insulating panel. The material then offers many possible applications, e.g. in drywall construction or as impact sound insulation. The market launch is to take place via a pilot project such as a modular wall or a tiny house. Incidentally, the insulating material is compostable after use and can be used as a fertilizer. We are looking for system manufacturers and expertise from related sectors to implement our project. Let's grow innovation.

Founded: 2019

Location: Germany (Braunschweig)


a mushroom-based insulating material

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In order to create a recyclable building material, we use straw-like secondary raw materials from agriculture which are processed with a mushroom to create an insulating panel. The material then offers many possible applications, e.g. in drywall construction or as impact sound insulation. The market launch is to take place via a pilot project such as a modular wall or a tiny house. Incidentally, the insulating material is compostable after use and can be used as a fertilizer. We are looking for system manufacturers and expertise from related sectors to implement our project. Let's grow innovation.

Founded: January 2023

Location: Germany (Braunschweig)


City rally on the topic of sustainability for school classes!

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More and more people in society are becoming aware of the relevance of the topic of “sustainability” and interest is growing rapidly, especially among young people. To address this curiosity and social need, a city rally is to be developed in Braunschweig for 8th to 10th graders. Sustainability is multifaceted and ranges from waste and plastic avoidance, zero waste, upcycling and recycling, minimalism, energy, second-hand, fast and fair fashion to resource conservation through waste separation. Different topics were selected for the stations so that many aspects can be easily integrated into the lessons. The aim is to provide pupils with information through short audio inputs and to use various interactive tasks to demonstrate possible courses of action and the effects of their own actions and to encourage discussion, questioning and further thinking.

Founded: 2019

Location: Germany (Braunschweig)

Smart Soil Systems

Efficient farming by complementing Agri PVs with smart water and nutrient management!

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Smart Soil Systems hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, die Landwirtschaft zu revolutionieren, indem es die Photovoltaik-Technologie (Agri PV) mit fortschrittlichen Lösungen für das Wasser- und Nährstoffmanagement integriert. Agri PVs, die bis zu 4,5 Meter über den Kulturen installiert werden, verbessern die Flächeneffizienz um bis zu 86 % und diversifizieren die Einkommensströme der Landwirte. Die durch diese Systeme verursachten Veränderungen in der Niederschlagsverteilung können jedoch zu einer ungleichmäßigen Bewässerung führen, was die Ernteerträge schmälern kann. Deshalb haben wir ein Modul für Agri PVs entwickelt, das Regenwasser erfasst und es mit einem digitalen Zwilling verbindet, der Bodendaten in Echtzeit sammelt. Dieses System optimiert die Bewässerung und Düngung, indem es dem Regenwasser über Flüssigdünger präzise die notwendigen Nährstoffe hinzufügt. Der vollautomatische Prozess reduziert die Verunreinigung des Grundwassers, verbessert die Ernteerträge und bietet den Landwirten eine intuitive Plattform zur Überwachung von Stromproduktion, Wasserverbrauch und Bodengesundheit. Unsere Lösung ermöglicht es Landwirten, datengestützte, nachhaltige Entscheidungen für eine effiziente und umweltfreundliche Landwirtschaft zu treffen.

Founded: 2024

Location: Germany (Braunschweig)